Speaker Information

The Rotary Club of Fresno brings together its membership of over 240+ members of the surrounding Fresno and Central Valley’s leading business, professional, and community leaders each Monday for lunch, to listen and learn about key issues affecting our community. Our speakers address the most current and important issues and its impact on the local, statewide, national and global level, that engage, motivate, inspire, and interest our members. Great speakers should fulfill our members yet leave our members with more questions and wanting more.
The Rotary Club of Fresno is open to Rotarians, their guests, and members of the media.
Great speakers inform, educate, and entertain. Fresno Rotary has hosted a diverse and distinctive array of landmark speakers including California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oklahoma Senator Rick Brinkley, California State Controller John Chiang, Congressmen: Anrea Borgeas, Devin Nunes, Jim Costa, Jim Patterson, and George Radanovich, Fresno Mayors: Alan Autry, Lee Brand, Jerry Dyer, Ashley Swearingen, Author Victor Davis Hanson and many others.
We suggest that you understand the Rotary Club of Fresno audience and review the information below before submitting your proposal.
Who is the Fresno Rotary audience?
Fresno Rotarians Join Leaders
Fresno Rotary offers the chance to network and make lasting friendships with some of Fresno business, professional and community leaders. In addition, there are 1,220,000 Rotarians in the world that are connected to 33,500 other Rotary clubs around the world to enjoy the camaraderie of an international organization. Fresno Rotary is one of the 50th largest clubs in the world that formed in 1916. Fresno Rotary brings together its membership of over 300 members of the Fresno and San Joaquin area’s leading business, professional, and community leaders each Monday to listen and learn about key issues affecting our community. Our speakers address the most current and important issues and its impact on the local, statewide, national and global level, that engage, educate, and entertain our members. Our meetings are open to members and their guests.
Fresno Rotarians Exchange Ideas
Fresno Rotarians gather each week to hear from top business, civic and political leaders, sports and entertainment figures and scientists on timely topics. Rotarians learn about international affairs, current events, public policy and have the chance to witness live debates. Fresno Rotary has hosted a diverse and distinctive array of landmark speakers including California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oklahoma Senator Rick Brinkley, California State Controller John Chiang, Congressmen: Devin Nunes, Jim Costa, and George Radanovich, Fresno Mayors: Alan Autry and Ashley Swearingen, and many others. Fresno Rotary is open to Rotarians, their guests, and members of the media.
Fresno Rotarians Make things Happen
Fresno Rotary are committed to improving our community and our world. Rotarians find solutions for local and international issues of poverty, illiteracy, clean water, environmental improvement, hunger, disease and many more.
Fresno Rotary is a professional business service culture based on cultivating relationships. This means that Rotarians are not at a meeting to be “pitched” or sold to and speakers are not to promoting their goods or services during their presentation. Solicitation for donations and votes by our speakers is prohibited and urging Rotarians to contact their legislators regarding your issue is frowned upon. Speakers may request items to be shared with members if it is pertinent to presentation. However, offering services or goods for sale, or any political or religious handouts will not be considered. The Fresno Rotary is a nonprofit organization and does not monetarily support speakers.
What should I expect at a Rotary Meeting?
Rotarians arrive by noon on Mondays for lunch. We would appreciate you arriving before that time for lunch as our guest. If you wish to bring a guest, we would be pleased to host an additional person for lunch as well.
Immediately following lunch, Club business is conducted at or before 12:30 p.m. followed the introduction of the speaker. Speakers are allotted 25 minutes. We recommend that you plan to speak for no more than 20 minutes, leaving five minutes for questions and answers, if you choose to do so. You may offer to stay after the meeting ends to continue answering questions. Our members place great value on the Q & A –and you will find that it is a great way to connect you and your message to the audience. We have made a commitment to our members to end each Rotary promptly and the president will then close the meeting.
How to Make Your Rotary Presentation a Hit (or how to make the most of your 25 minutes)
PowerPoint? Video? PowerPoints are best if kept to less than 20 slides and all type visible from the back of the meeting room. The Cornerstone Conference Center supplies an audio & video assistant to assist you with your program needs. The conference room has two large projectors, two large screens and a computer system for media presentations. Cornerstone Conference Center does not have live internet feed available. Please have your presentation in a DVD-R or PowerPoint format on a USB. Short DVDs PowerPoints, video or any other audio visual format should be emailed to the Rotary Office (office@ fresnorotary.org) at least three days in advance so it may be tested by the audio visual staff and have it ready when you arrive. It is advisable to arrive early to check out the equipment. If you have a PowerPoint of your proposal or a DVD of a previous speaking engagement for the committee to review, please email it to office@fresnorotary.org along with your proposal.